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Business Credit Score PlannerTM

Answering up to 10 questions will provide you with an estimated Credit Score and allow you to use the Score Planner to:
oLearn how changes in your credit information impact your score
oTest out theories by seeing how your score might change
oView possible scenarios to find out how they will impact your score

  1. How long have you been in business?

  1. How many lines of business credit cards, loans, or leases have you applied for in the last 9 months (Inquiries)?

  1. How many new lines of business credit (cards, invoice accounts, loans, or leases) were opened in the last 6 months?

  1. If you have had any lines of business credit sent to collection in the last 7 years, how much was owed or was in dispute?

  2. $ 

  1. Bill payments in the last 12 months:

  1. How many lines of business credit (cards, invoice accounts, loans, or leases) have been used in the last 6 months?

  1. I am using:

  1. Total amount 1-30 days late for all lines of credit:

  2. $ 

  1. Total amount 31 or more days late for leases (excluding rent) and telephone:

  2. $ 

  1. How many lines of business credit do you have with terms other than NET 30?


About the Business Credit Score Planner

The Business Credit Score Planner is presented for educational use only, and should not be relied upon for credit granting purposes. Actual Business Credit Scores are calculated by a variety of different factors within a Business Credit Report. Payment history, open credit dates, account balances, bankruptcies, tax liens, inquiries, line of business, age of business, and many others are combined to generate a score. The Business Credit Score Planner Estimated Score is calculated based on the data you input into the tool, which is a subset of the score factors used for an actual business credit report.

Score Planner ver 1.5.2 - April 2015